Safety Precautions
Road Safety:
All schools are aware of the importance of regular reminders about road safety and we are especially aware because of the proximity of the busy main roads in the area of our school. Our learners are given regular talks about road safety. We appeal to parents to be particularly careful and considerate when fetching learners from school. Our school has a Scholar Patrol who are trained by the Department of Transport. This group of dedicated learners, under adult supervision, helps to make our roads safer.
Emergency Procedures
Regular fire evacuation drills are carried out in accordance with official guidelines.
Regular safety checks of the school premises are carried out by an appointed safety officer. This includes fire equipment, electrical appliances, stairways, balustrades etc. For security reasons all learners are expected to use the Northdene school satchel/bag.
Group Accident Insurance Policy
All learners will be covered by this insurance. The policy covers any accident related to injury occurring during school activities. The insurance has certain specifications which will be communicated to you should the need arise.
All excursions are included. Further details may be obtained from the school Bursar.
The scheme is recommended by the KwaZulu Natal Education Department.