Code of Conduct
All learners attending the school are obliged to uphold the school’s Mission Statement and Code of Conduct.
All learners attending the school are obliged to uphold the school’s Mission Statement and Code of Conduct.
A Learner’s Rights
- Each learner has the right:
to be educated in an orderly and disciplined environment
and the responsibility:
to be co-operative and attentive and to ensure that he/she does not disrupt lessons or distract his/her fellow learners from their work. He/she should exercise self-discipline and be committed to the achievement of academic progress.
- Each learner has the right:
to be treated with kindness and fairness
and the responsibility:
to behave at all times in a courteous manner, to refrain from any form of aggressive or abusive behaviour, so that he/she is a credit to the school.
- Each learner has the right:
to be treated with respect by the members of the school community, irrespective of personal, cultural, racial and religious differences
and the responsibility:
to respect the rights, and feelings of others, to display understanding and consideration towards others. He / She should not intimidate or ridicule others.
- Each learner has the right:
to have school activities and lessons commence punctually
and the responsibility:
to arrive at school on time.
- Each learner has the right:
to benefit from the good reputation of the school and the variety of facilities which it offers
and the responsibility:
to respect and maintain these facilities, to uphold the values of the school and to behave in such a way that no discredit will be brought to the school. This applies to any situation where a learner is wearing a school uniform or can in any way be identified as being a learner of the school.
- Each learner has the right:
to security of person and property
and the responsibility:
to uphold honest behaviour and security in the school, to show respect of other’s property and not damage, deface, steal or in any way interfere with any property which is not his/her own.
- Each learner has the right:
to work in a healthy and litter-free environment
and the responsibility:
to ensure that the school premises are kept clean and hygienic, and that no littering, graffiti or deliberate despoiling of any areas occurs.
- Each learner has the right:
to have his/ her work assessed and returned to him/her within a reasonable period
and the responsibility:
to ensure that homework and assignments set for him/her are completed and handed in on time.
B School Rules and Regulations
- Learners are obliged to abide by the regulations, which have been adopted by the school, regarding neatness and the wearing of a school or sport’s uniform.
- Parents and learners will be informed of the precise requirements of school
or sports’ uniforms. The appropriate uniform it to be worn in its entirety
and without additions.
- Learners attending school must be clean and tidy and their clothing must at all times be neat, clearly marked and in good repair.
- No learner may colour his/her hair. Boys’ hair must be kept reasonably short and neat (short back and sides). Girls’ hair must at all times be neat and out of their eyes and tied back if it touches the collar. Only bottle green, black or white hair accessories may be worn.
- Plain silver, gold, black or leather wristwatches may be worn. Fashion watches in various colours are not permitted. Pierced ears may have plain, round small studs or plain blank sleepers only (no diamonds or stones). Boys may not wear earrings or substitutes. No other form of jewellery or adornment (including tattoos and mendi) is permitted. Smart Watches are not allowed.
- Learners are obliged to comply with all safety and security measures which have
been taken by the school to protect the learners or staff or property, either at
school or outside the school premises, namely:
- No ball games may be played before school or during snack periods. The
change rooms, swimming pool area, car parks, caretakers’ quarters and school fences are out of bounds.
- There is to be no interference with any equipment, plumbing, electrical
installation etc. on the school premises.
- Movement along corridors, verandas, pathways and staircases should be
orderly and controlled. Learners are to keep to the left without pushing, running or blocking accesses.
- Learners are not to leave the school premises during school hours without
the permission of the Deputy Principal or the Principal. A letter, addressed to the Principal, needs to be written stating why the learner needs to be collected early. Learners will only be released early for medical reasons or religious functions. Learners, who have been given permission to leave the premises, must be collected at the reception area by parents or authorised persons (in writing). When learners are collected earlier a register needs to be completed.
- Learners are not to remain on the school premises without supervision before 7h00 and after 12h30 Monday to Thursday for Grade R, 12h45 for grades 1& 2 and 14h00 for Grades 3 to 7. On Fridays the Grade R learners leave at 12h20 and Grades 1 & 2 learners leave at 12h30. (Educators are not responsible for any learners unless they are at sport or at an arranged cultural activity.)
- Parents of learners who have not been fetched 15 minutes after learners are dismissed will get a phone call from the receptionist or educator. If the learner has still not been fetched 30 minutes after being dismissed, the learner will be sent to After Care. Parents will be charged for phone calls made as well as any After Care fees.
- Morning procedures
Learners may not play games or walk / run around. Learners may only stand or sit and talk outside their classrooms.
- Once learners have left the school premises after sporting or evening
functions, the school cannot take responsibility for the learners’ safety.
Parents are therefore to ensure that adequate transport arrangements have
been made and/or that they are fetched on time.
- Learners are obliged to ensure that any valuables brought onto the school premises are handed to a teacher for safekeeping. The school accepts no responsibility for the loss of valuables.
- For the general well-being of learners at school and due to safety and security concerns, learners may not bring any cell phones, electronic tablets, cameras, smart watches or tracker watches to school. Learners who are found with any of these devices at school, will have the device confiscated and returned to the parent at the end of that term. Learners will not be allowed to hand these over to an educator or hand it in at reception for safe keeping.
- No learner is to bring any potentially harmful items or substances onto the school premises. No unsuitable literature in any form is to be in the possession of any learners on the school premises.
- Learners are not to practice any form of Satanism or exploration of the occult on the school premises, nor are they to influence or try to influence others in this regard.
- Learners and parents are obliged to abide by measures which are taken to facilitate the administration of the school and school related issues:
- The school is to be informed of any changes of address, names, telephone numbers etc. so that accurate information is available at all times.
- The school must be informed of any serious medical problems which learners may have, or of any allergies, physical defects or weaknesses which may exempt them from sport activities or may affect them within the classroom situation.
- The school policy is that learners may not return to school for a minimum of 10 days for certain of the infectious diseases. Please liaise with reception for further details. When learners return after an absence from school, dated letters must be produced immediately. Telephone calls do not suffice. A medical clearance certificate must be produced after a learner has recovered from an infectious disease, including Chicken Pox, Mumps, German Measles, Pink Eye, Scarlet Fever, Meningitis, Diphtheria, Scabies, Hepatitis or any other.
- A letter must also be produced if a pupil is unable to participate in Physical Education lessons and afternoon extra-mural activities.
- In the event of a learner relocating to another school, the request for a
transfer card as on the D6 Communicator, must be completed and sent to school at least a week before the learner leaves. On this letter it must state when it will be the learner’s last day, which school the learner will be moving to and if all fees are paid to date. The transfer card will be given to the learner on his/her last day at Northdene and needs to be given to the learner’s new school.
- If learners have been sent home with nits & lice, they have to be checked by a management member before returning to class.
I, as a learner of Northdene Preparatory School, will strive to:
- Develop my self-discipline and self-respect. This will be reflected in my conduct, speech and dress.
- Obey the School code of Conduct.
- Uphold the ethos and educational principles of this school.
- Consider others, be it as individuals at school or in the community.
- Respect other people’s property, beliefs, culture and language.
- Appreciate the facilities and services offered by the school and the community.
- Develop a sense of responsibility for the consequences of my actions.